Thursday 11 April 2013

Lets start at the beginning...

After 4 years of working, living and partying in London, I was chubby, lonely and bored. A good friend and travel buddy had recently moved back to New Zealand, all of my workmates lived north of the Thames (I was living south) and as happens to many living over there, I had put on some weight (Heathrow injection times 10) and I was unfit from too many cold winter nights spent on the couch or warm summer nights spent at the pub. So I decided to start a new sport, with the aim to lose some weight get fit and hopefully make some new friends. So I started a kickboxing class, a class which was destined to change my life.
The class was great fun, (I didn't realize how much fun kicking and punching things could be!) and after a few weeks I was finding the workouts easier and I had made some wonderful new friends. One day, Mel, the senior instructor suggested I might like to go with her and some mates to a local gym where you could do some boxing training for the bargain price of 2 pounds.
When we walked through the doors on that first night, the first person we saw was a very tall (6ft4) Nigerian man with a loud voice, piercing eyes and long dreadlocks. He was Franklin, a professional heavyweight boxer and former IBF African champion and he provided some of the most fun, most intense and fantastically addictive exercise programs my friends and I had ever done. He was also to become the love of my life.
To cut a very long story short...which I'm sure I will expand upon as time goes by...after 6 months of training with Franklin I was looking and feeling fabulous, I was strong, fit, healthy and at the lowest weight I had been for many years.  Now, fast forward 2 years and we're a far cry from where we were, we now live in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, married with 2 kids (my step daughter who's 12 and our daughter who is 7 months) I'm carrying considerable post pregnancy weight and am terribly unfit with considerably less time on my hands.  Hence I have decided to create this blog (ahh now we're getting somewhere!) to document my road back to fitness, a healthy weight, strength and my size 14 jeans!
So with the help of Franklin, and (hopefully) the inspiration of a few readers I'm going to get back in shape. Who else out there is trying to get fit and back into some much loved but currently far too tight clothes? Tomorrow its time to set some goals and to step onto those scales!


  1. Hey Trashbag
    Great first post on your blog!! Love it!! I am too in need of shedding a few pounds.I can be your Trans Tasman support buddy god knows I need one!:)

  2. Thanks mate!! I wonder if we could do some workouts together on skype!! Not sure we could do our old jobs but we could figure something out I'm sure! Off to the gym to step on the scales...ahhhh!

  3. Hmm that was meant to say 'jogs' damn iPhone predictive text.

  4. Hi Jess! You're looking great already, so anything more will only be polishing the diamond! If I was over there I would come and join your workouts! I've managed to lose 2 stone since September with hypnotherapy and a low GL diet, because I was diagnosed diabetic last January. My blood sugar is now back to normal and I'm in size 16 jeans (instead of 22s!), something that hasn't happened for at least 15 years! Still a way to go though, as I should be around 9 1/2 stone, not 11 1/2! (can't do kilos, sorry!)
    Anyway, it sounds like all is good with you, that's great to know. Time to put up some photos of baby??!!
    Lots of love, Claire xxx

  5. Thanks girls! We'd love to have you train with us Rosie I will let you know times! Wow Claire that's fantastic work! My dad and both his brother and sister have diabetes so I know how hard it can be on your body. I miss you guys up there very much, I will be sure to put a few pictures up of Amina in my next few blogs. Xo

  6. Beautiful Jess, I'm so inspired. I'm not so fussed about the numbers when it comes to weight but i really want to be fit post baby. I swear I need three wardrobes, Fat Annie, Moderately Healthy Annie and Ace I'm feeling slim. I'm super jealous you have a personal trainer on hand but also know that fitting in exercise with a bub is so tricky!! I'd love to set up a play day where I can finally meet your girls, you can check out our Mitchell and we throw some punches as well.
    Good on you for the blog. It's a great way to keep in touch with where you and franklin are at. Much love to you and Franklin. XOXO Annie and Joe
