Sunday 14 April 2013

Shut Up and Stop Talking...

Sorry about the late post, my video took ages. Might have to restrict the videos!

The post title I have used today is quite appropriate because I think Franklin must have said those exact words at least 10 times during our 30 minute training session. 'Jessica shut up and stretch...Jessica shut up and skip...Jessica shut up and listen to me....Jessica just shut up and do what I tell you...Jessica just SHUT UP!' I think the 'Shut up and stop talking' bit is somewhat appropriate though. Sometimes we spend so much time saying or planning what we are going to do, or what we want to do that we don't end up doing much about it at all. I know I do that and its always because I get hooked on some new TV show 'I'll just sit down and watch this and then get to it...damn those drama serials I'm so addicted to Southland at the moment!

But regardless of all his bossing around (HAHAHA) it was loads of fun and my body wasn't as rusty as I though it would be. There was NO vomiting! We did some stretching and then 3x3 minute rounds of skipping, followed by some shadow boxing and pad work with Franklin before the dreaded ground work and warm down stretches. Franklin was pretty happy with how I did too. Here is some pictures and a video to prove it!

Me ready and rearing to go.
The Boss Man takes no prisoners!
But my cheer squad had my back.
Ouch, skipping after such a long break is hard work, most of the 3x3 minute rounds were spent tripping on the rope.
But I haven't lost my touch with the pads...

Overall a great session.  What did you do today? I'd love to hear about the exercise you completed, especially those of you who are trying to do the same...if you didn't get a chance to do any today what have you got planned for next time? My next PT is on Tuesday and I'm looking forward to slowly seeing some results in my general fitness over the next few weeks.


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